
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The six orientations of a water molecule ( binary tetrahedral unit) within an enfolding field

It turns out, given that a water molecule is tetrahedral-like and has two positive and two negative vertices, or regions, that within an enfolding field, each molecule that forms can do so in one of (at least) six -- a small number of -- different ways.

n              n             n
\   n          \   s         \   s
 \ /            \ /           \ /
 / \            / \           / \
s   s          s   n         n   s

s             s            s
\   n         \   n        \   s
 \ /           \ /          \ /
 / \           / \          / \
s   n         n   s        n   n

Here the slashes represent the center-to-vertex lines of a tetrahedral-like structure and the ns notation relates to north-south, -+, negative-positive, or otherwise denoting regions of different attraction-repulsion, meant to impart some sense of a "polarity vector" in six directions. One may consider the bottom two vertices in the plane of the screen and the top left goes "back into", and the top right "comes out" of the plane.

Labeling these six orientations ABCDEF, or 123456, what we have at each of the points of water formation within each respiration site is an internal multiple-state 6^n analog math/structural coding system. For n equal to, say, 12 molecules, there are 6^12 or 2 billion different ways the sequence of twelve molecules can be arranged or stacked together. The reader is asked to consider stepping up from the more familiar 2^n, two-state imagery to this 6^n, six-state system.

If one trucks with contemporary physics notions that "initial conditions influence outcomes" and "everything influences everything else", then when one runs this respiration reaction concurrent with experience, the so-called vibrations of surroundings become selectors, influencing which sequences and stacks of ordered water are formed thus bootstrapping up within us a somewhat persistent reflection of our surroundings, albeit, one that is scribbled in tenuous and delicate stacks and sequences of ordered water.

Other graphic imagery is available at here.

A standard model is available for experimentalist types or tactile-oriented learners who are interested in getting a more intimate *feel* for orientations of artifacts within the quantum gravitational field. (Click here)

Think about it.

--Ralph Frost

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