
Friday, February 10, 2012

Is it 6^n or 12^n in stacks of binary tetrahedra (and ordered water)?

Okay, in the standard 2^n binary or Boolean structural coding, like in our 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or higher numbered n-bit computers, we have a rectangular array of n-bits. Each bit can have one of two values like one and zero, or a few milli-volts or essential no milli-volts, or an arrow pointing up or pointing down. Let's say n = 6 so 2^6 = 64 different patterns in that 2^n system.

When we slide over to the naturally occurring tetrahedral-shaped water molecules, like the ones forming in our respiration sites, these units are (roughly assumed to be) tetrahedra with two positive and two negative vertices.

The 6^n storyline comes about in thinking that there are six edges of a tetrahedron, and thus the two plus
(and complementary two minus) vertices can arrange along the six edges -- when the tetrahedron is in a ~fixed position, as in where a watery tetrahedron is forming within a tetrahedron-shaped space.

The 12^n storyline comes about when considering that the water tetrahedron can first come into existence, let's say, within a less constrained enfolding cube (or sphere or cylndical-ringish-like container.

Drawing the top and bottom corners of the cube as follows in ascii art:





There are the 12 diagonals of the cube and so the two plus vertices of the forming tetrahedron could resolve, be oriented in the 12 ways:

top: 13,24
bottom:  57,68
left-front:  16,25
left-rear:  27,36
right-rear:  38,47
right-front:  18,45

Again, going back to n=6,  6^6 = 46656, and 12^6 = 2985984 structurally coded possibilities.

What we are really considering here is the more fixed carbon-based containment or what might be called the "bit-reader" features of such a binary tetrahedral, moving-bit structural coding system.

If one considers there is a "docking station" or "bit-reader" that assesses the coding of ordered water chains as formed or as re-read, then the tightness of the containment unit would establish whether the system was running 6^n or a 12^n associative analog math.   Jack up the stress or certain chemical levels  to loosen or tighten containment and, potentially, perceptions of the depth, detail and character associated with the coding would be altered or shift from one system to another.

When considered in this manner,   the 12^n  system, to me, seems to far more uncertain and demanding -- inaccurate and unrealistic.  That is, even with a so-called cubic containment, in an organic system the outcome, assessment,  or measurement would typically resolve or collapse into the "plus diagonal" being on one of the six sides and thus, most reliably just a 6^n system.

Perhaps, if it has not already been done,  the 12^n analog math could be implemented in a man-made,  more rigidly controlled bit-flowing nanotechnology system.

In the  organic, respirational/ordered water system, experiences in the environment and surroundings code or can code into the 6^n stacks and sequences naturally.    This might be seen as some sort of embedded anabolic energy system which relates to experience and surroundings, in repeatable but not exactly in any generally deterministic or objectively measurable way.  So, this process can be seen as non-classical, and yet not exactly quantum mechanical.

Hijacking the Hameroff-Penrose term for a moment, the "orchestrated reduction", that is, the "measurement/observation" always gets hammered out into, let's say, some specific stack or sequence of ordered water.  We can look beyond this and attempt to recover Orch-OR all the way down in the quantum gravity or, as it's termed, in the "spacetime geometry". However, as some  readers MAY notice, that is not exactly necessary in order to acquire ample physical intuition on the process.  That comes, simply by working through consideration and an appreciation of the 6^n respirational analog math.

Certainly those people with a love of abstract math and calculation may uncover much wonderful stuff simply  by exploring and developing the assicated abstract math representations and relationships.  But, as show above, it's not necessary in order to understand and appreciate the "orchestrated reductions" we experience in our respirational system.

Stacking, staging, and otherwise nesting phased layers of this respirational/structural coding system, after a fashion, gets us to an internal nested, somewhat tactile reverberation of, let's say, the current moment.  In Chalmers' terms, this would be the explanation or the account of "what it feels like" to structurally code, I mean, be conscious of, any of our thoughts and impressions.

Think about it.

Best regards,

"With joy you will draw water
from the wells of salvation."
Isaiah 12:3

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