JR3, (jcs-online)
Another, laconic way to express this scientific truth is "Experience exists; time does not".
It's a tough nut to crack, and a difficult pill to swallow when one's scientific tenets and paradigm are just slightly out of kilter. A miss is as good as a mile, and even though here in 2015 the Cartesian-Newtonian-quantum-relativistic paradigm is a wonderful set of epi-cycles making up our current initial scientific approximation, it also has a few too many fundamental flaws in it which absolutely require adjustment/correction.
What's worse, though, is as the news comes to light and the new dawn begins to break, the emerging improvement, while a huge and general improvement, it is still, as it only can be, a disruptive improvement in fit. It's better, but not perfect and we all have to come to grips with that fact. This unsettling news is apparent to or at least available to everyone in the global classroom. We get to see it. It is like we all get to look into this second Copenhagen interpretation and become more deeply aware of science and to choose between imperfect, uncertain approximations.
Science during paradigm shifts is especially wonderful. Don't you think?
The thing with this current global paradigm transition in science --including the dissolution of ~time, or, perhaps we should say, the shift in focus back onto experience and the quality of experience -- is the change is nearly or basically a quasi-religious disruption, particularly for most of us Westerners. The tendrils and the associated arrogance run deep.
Change is difficult no matter what. What can I tell you? We need to synthesize new stacks and sequences of proteins plus tweak well-worn neural nets. Yet when we stroll blind-sided into making a change in the scientific paradigm 380 years into the dominant initial approximation, I mean, how quaint and unfamiliar is THAT? It's unprecedented. It's nearly incomprehensible to even provisionally consider. Here we are faced with thinking a thought which previously had no expression and then to somehow interject and express the new statement such that within a few short days, months or years, the entire face of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (all of STEM), plus the economies and social systems running on and running these and coming technologies, and their underlying prejudices and values change from one set of states to a new, more unified, more robust set of states. And, then, please notice that the change, as disruptive as it first appears, actually comes off as a completely apocalyptic yet peaceful, sustainable and smooth global transition.
How can that be?
That is just the way things turn out to be. Improved fitness automatically makes a way for itself. We think or might think that the "evil, disruptive truth" can be suppressed forever, but that is not exactly how rationality and freedom actually work. Suppression ~works for a while, but there always comes a time, or set of situations where the suppression turns out to reveal itself as the falseness and flaw as it is.
As the change comes into place, it turns out there is something for everyone. The apocalypse is now. Dreams are fulfilled. Yes, the entire world falls away. Yes, we are all closer and more appreciative and supportive of one another. Yes, the American dream is over and re-newed. New generations survive and begin to thrive. The world changes, and, in essence, the change comes into being in a very understandable, and acceptable manner. We just never would have or could have predicted it or seen it coming until it occurs.
From our present vantage point it is somewhat helpful to notice that Einstein's relativity gives us insights and information relating to the nature of space and time, but not (comprehensively) into the nature of reality. Relativity says, largely, that space and time are relative and in that way allows us to continue on with earlier Cartesian and Newtonian notions to define and understand reality in terms of space and time, or in the upgraded version as space-time.
More completely, though, relativity also informs us something about mass converting into energy via the E=mCC relationship at least when mass is arranged in particular structures and/or subjected to particular (structural - vibrational) ~conditions. The mass-energy relationship is obviously a very general and informative scientific generalization, however, please notice that it is not exactly informing us about the nature of all of reality.
To wit, readers of jsc-online herein and others have interests in many other aspects of reality -- the workings of the so-called "consciousness" being one of them, for instance. ~Relativity, and/or the vibrating spacetime ~geometry are wonderful for certain aspects but these are sort of an impoverished set of features or tenets for understanding and appreciating all parts of all of reality.
The advent of quantum mechanics illuminates this same point. Yet, when you or I consider the so-called spacetime geometry and the various uncertainties and multiple-states, we observe that those expression labor to express what is quite simple to say and understand within the emerging paradigm.
The short version is: reality is nested structured~duality.
The spacetime geometry and the various multiple-states efforts are essentially all pointing toward something deeply connected and structural. Similarly, associations between genetic patterns, amino acid codings, proteins, and even catalyses and inhibitions via enzymatic devices as well as neural network alignments also do more than point toward deeply connected structural relationships.
One might say, "mathematical", but that limited prejudice would only match up with a limited amount of our structurally coded experience here in the nested fields within nested fields. Better to look the gift horse directly in the mouth and admit that reality is nested structured~duality.
Again, it's not perfect, but the generalized fit is vastly improved compared with all other options currently being presented here in the global classroom.
Best regards,
Ralph Frost
Be provisional.
Follow: @frostscientific
---In jcs-online@yahoogroups.com, wrote :
Another, laconic way to express this scientific truth is "Experience exists; time does not".
It's a tough nut to crack, and a difficult pill to swallow when one's scientific tenets and paradigm are just slightly out of kilter. A miss is as good as a mile, and even though here in 2015 the Cartesian-Newtonian-quantum-relativistic paradigm is a wonderful set of epi-cycles making up our current initial scientific approximation, it also has a few too many fundamental flaws in it which absolutely require adjustment/correction.
What's worse, though, is as the news comes to light and the new dawn begins to break, the emerging improvement, while a huge and general improvement, it is still, as it only can be, a disruptive improvement in fit. It's better, but not perfect and we all have to come to grips with that fact. This unsettling news is apparent to or at least available to everyone in the global classroom. We get to see it. It is like we all get to look into this second Copenhagen interpretation and become more deeply aware of science and to choose between imperfect, uncertain approximations.
Science during paradigm shifts is especially wonderful. Don't you think?
The thing with this current global paradigm transition in science --including the dissolution of ~time, or, perhaps we should say, the shift in focus back onto experience and the quality of experience -- is the change is nearly or basically a quasi-religious disruption, particularly for most of us Westerners. The tendrils and the associated arrogance run deep.
Change is difficult no matter what. What can I tell you? We need to synthesize new stacks and sequences of proteins plus tweak well-worn neural nets. Yet when we stroll blind-sided into making a change in the scientific paradigm 380 years into the dominant initial approximation, I mean, how quaint and unfamiliar is THAT? It's unprecedented. It's nearly incomprehensible to even provisionally consider. Here we are faced with thinking a thought which previously had no expression and then to somehow interject and express the new statement such that within a few short days, months or years, the entire face of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (all of STEM), plus the economies and social systems running on and running these and coming technologies, and their underlying prejudices and values change from one set of states to a new, more unified, more robust set of states. And, then, please notice that the change, as disruptive as it first appears, actually comes off as a completely apocalyptic yet peaceful, sustainable and smooth global transition.
How can that be?
That is just the way things turn out to be. Improved fitness automatically makes a way for itself. We think or might think that the "evil, disruptive truth" can be suppressed forever, but that is not exactly how rationality and freedom actually work. Suppression ~works for a while, but there always comes a time, or set of situations where the suppression turns out to reveal itself as the falseness and flaw as it is.
As the change comes into place, it turns out there is something for everyone. The apocalypse is now. Dreams are fulfilled. Yes, the entire world falls away. Yes, we are all closer and more appreciative and supportive of one another. Yes, the American dream is over and re-newed. New generations survive and begin to thrive. The world changes, and, in essence, the change comes into being in a very understandable, and acceptable manner. We just never would have or could have predicted it or seen it coming until it occurs.
From our present vantage point it is somewhat helpful to notice that Einstein's relativity gives us insights and information relating to the nature of space and time, but not (comprehensively) into the nature of reality. Relativity says, largely, that space and time are relative and in that way allows us to continue on with earlier Cartesian and Newtonian notions to define and understand reality in terms of space and time, or in the upgraded version as space-time.
More completely, though, relativity also informs us something about mass converting into energy via the E=mCC relationship at least when mass is arranged in particular structures and/or subjected to particular (structural - vibrational) ~conditions. The mass-energy relationship is obviously a very general and informative scientific generalization, however, please notice that it is not exactly informing us about the nature of all of reality.
To wit, readers of jsc-online herein and others have interests in many other aspects of reality -- the workings of the so-called "consciousness" being one of them, for instance. ~Relativity, and/or the vibrating spacetime ~geometry are wonderful for certain aspects but these are sort of an impoverished set of features or tenets for understanding and appreciating all parts of all of reality.
The advent of quantum mechanics illuminates this same point. Yet, when you or I consider the so-called spacetime geometry and the various uncertainties and multiple-states, we observe that those expression labor to express what is quite simple to say and understand within the emerging paradigm.
The short version is: reality is nested structured~duality.
The spacetime geometry and the various multiple-states efforts are essentially all pointing toward something deeply connected and structural. Similarly, associations between genetic patterns, amino acid codings, proteins, and even catalyses and inhibitions via enzymatic devices as well as neural network alignments also do more than point toward deeply connected structural relationships.
One might say, "mathematical", but that limited prejudice would only match up with a limited amount of our structurally coded experience here in the nested fields within nested fields. Better to look the gift horse directly in the mouth and admit that reality is nested structured~duality.
Again, it's not perfect, but the generalized fit is vastly improved compared with all other options currently being presented here in the global classroom.
Best regards,
Ralph Frost
Be provisional.
Follow: @frostscientific
---In jcs-online@yahoogroups.com,
All, or none : )
"Without time there could be no dynamic processes, and hence no minds of any sort."
St. Augustine's comment, that we know what time is until we are asked to explain it, is reminiscent of Socrates in the Meno.
Meno. Can you tell me, Socrates, whether [time]...comes to man by nature, or in what other way?
Great Northern Goose flies south in the fall. Its instincts do not
follow a watch. That is, by nature, there is kind of natural physical
time in our experience. It involves the rhythm of the seasons -the days
and nights and tides and so forth. It is instinct, immeasurable feeling.
There is no other basic time.
time is not an "old enemy", as some may view natural time from the
scientific rational perspective. When rationality is overly stressed,
with all its usual cultural frameworks, it becomes paranoid. Because, it
cannot really perceive events until they have already occurred. It does
not know what will happen tomorrow, and since it is overly stressed,
its paranoid tendencies can only fear the worst. And so, that paranoia
leads to, the idea that time is an enemy, thoughts of death, and the
"other way" is the experience of cultural time, the Idea of clocks,
moments. and hours which is arbitrarily transposed over nature's
saw a present moment existing everywhere, at once. What he failed to
see, because of his narrowly focused consciousness, is what Kant,
Leibniz, and Plato saw. There is a dimension of reality in which there
exists All Possible Worlds, not just moments of time moving dynamically
in to some unknown future. That is, all dynamic possible processes occur
now. There is no present, no past, no future that does not exists now.
Noumena exists beyond the boundaries of the known self. The known self
perceives its reality through physical bodies by focusing its attention
upon the physical world. Through this focus of consciousness we perceive
three-dimensional life. This idea is present in Einstein's relativity
theory. It "...shows us beyond reasonable doubt that what one observer
may see as simultaneous events in his/her 'present' can appear to
another observer as separated in time."
source self, is the origin of our present conscious self, but exists
outside the framework of the physical self. We are instruments through
which we know and create the earth. We are particles of energy, flowing
from the source self into physical materialization. Each of us creates
then perceives itself through experience, as it constantly sends waves
of itself into dimensional activity. This gives us that subjective
feeling of natural time, and paranoid cultural time:
"I stepped from plank to plank
So slow and cautiously;
The stars about my head I felt,
About my feet the sea."
"I knew not but the next
Would be my final inch,--"
"This gave me that precarious gait
Some call experience."
by recognizing our multidimensional origins can we begin to understand
time. We give life to fields of energy. These fields lie latent, unused,
unknown, and fallow until they are fertilized by our kind of
consciousness, which brings them in to perceived reality.
so we create two kinds of time, objective time and subjective time,
"time conceived by physicists and time as experienced by us."
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